Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Remola Chadburn Smith mother of Sherlie

This is the way I remember Grandma
Remola and Eldon first date in the PV chapel and had their reception at the Veyo pool

At the Snow Canyon Sand Dunes

These are some cute pictures I found that showed the great love Eldon and Remola had for each other. My grandfather Eldon died when I was 1 yr old.

The Life History of Remola Chadburn Smith

I came into this world by the help of a midwife Julia Ford on the 19th of August in 1913, at Central, Washington County, Utah at my home.
My mother got my name from the book "Romola". Mother liked it spelled with an "e" better so it was Remola. I was blessed by William Gardner my bishop.
I was the first of seven children born to my parents, Benjamin Roe Chadburn and Martha Elizabeth Hunt ( sealing Jones) Chadburn. I had two brothers and four sisters; Ashby B. born 2 Feb 1916, Melba Mary born 23 Jan 1919, Fern 2 July 1921, Lois and Lloyd born 1 May 1925, SherWon born 13 June 1931.
I started school at the age of six. The first morning I went the teacher asked me what grade I was in and I said sixth. I meant I was six years old. Everyone laughed at me, I sure felt dumb.
I went to a one room school house. When I was in 5th grade they huge 4 curtains up and divided the room in 4 spaces. I went to 6th grade two times.
I was baptized Sept 4th, 1921 in the Santa Clara Creek just below the Veyo by my father. Benjamin Chadburn.
When I was young I someone wanted to know my name and I said, " Mola and Ash" So the kids called first daughter Mona)
I graduated from 8th grade in Veyo and attended the Moapa Valley High in Nevada my freshman year. I lived with Uncle Robert Chadburn. My Dad paid my room and board with produce. The only time I went home was Christmas. I caught a bad case of scarlet fever after Christmas. I graduated from Moapa Junior High May 23rd, 1929.
I went to St. George for high school. I lived at A.B. Andrues home all 3 years. I graduated from Dixie High May 19th 1932.
I met my husband Elden Orton Smith when he was twenty-two years old and I was eighteen. We met at a dance at the Veyo Swimming Pool. We almost won the dance contest the first time that we danced together. Everything that we did together was so fun. We enjoyed dancing, talking, walks in the gulch and swimming at the Veyo Pool. We had our first date at Pine Valley at the Fathers and Son's Outing. We met at the dance at the church . He took me back to the Gardner barn, where my father was the chaperone for all of us girls from Veyo. It was raining and my father let us sit in the car and visit awhile. My father cooked breakfast for all of us, over a campfire, in the lane, the next morning.
At Christmas 1933, Elden asked me to marry him. He had some bills to pay off so we had to wait awhile. We were planning to get married June 1934, but Melba and I go a chance to go on a special trip so we waited until July. We were married July 3rd, 1934 at the Salt Lake Temple. We Honeymooned in Salt Lake for three days. We saw a Shirley Temple movie and liked it so much we decided to name our first child Sherlie, so we did.
Elden had had car trouble so he had hired someone to take him to Salt Lake to be married. Nelse Madson picked us up after our honeymoon and then we drove back to Summit. We lived at Summit with his parents until Elden got his money from building a road at Buckhorn Flat, then we took the bus to St. George and my parents picked us up. They had a reception for us at the Veyo Pool.
We made our first home in Summit, Iron County, Utah. We rented from Elden's Uncle Harold Smith. We had our first child Sherlie there. Sherlie was born May 22nd, 1935. On our days off we built our first home. Melba, Fern, Lois and Lloyd all lived with us though the years while they were going to school, so Dad bought us a lot for our home and provided a cow, pigs, chickens and produce for us.
It took us a long time to build the home and our next two children, Sheldon, born Oct 7th, 1938 and Omah Lee , born May 26th 1942, were born while we lived in the two room home. Finally our home was finished and then we decided we needed to move to Cedar. We tried to sell our home, but we couldn't. So we hired Ketchum's Builders in Salt Lake to move our home to Cedar. We built a basement in Cedar and then we moved the home to Cedar. It only took one hour.
Our last child was born Oct 16th, 1946, it was a little girl. We named her Joan.
We lived in Cedar for two years and sold our home for enough money to buy a home and service station in Parowan, Iron County, Utah. We lived there and improved the house. By this time our two oldest children had married, so we bought the old Relief Society building from the church and proceeded to build a duplex . Sheldon and his wife Luella were going to live in one half and Elden, Joan, Omah Lee and I on the other side.
Elden had a heart attack on January 8th, 1958 and died. He was just 48 years old.
Two months after the funeral Joan, Omah Lee and I moved into the duplex. I lived there for 7 years. Omah Lee got married and Joan moved to Cedar to become a beautician.
I married Preston Williams from Kanarraville, Washington, Utah 7 years after Elden died. Preston and I lived in Kanarraville for 2 years, then Preston died of a heart attack. I lived in Kanarraville for another year then I moved to St. George. I lived in a small house that was behind Bishop Willard Milne's house, 143 E. 200 South.
While in St. George, I married William T. Jackson. We went to Cooke, Montana for the summer and when I came back I got divorced. I married Claudius Newburry Morris April 16th, 1976.
The church callings that I have had are; Secretary of the Relief Society, Primary teacher, Mutual Teacher, Visiting Teacher, Young Women Councilor, Relief Society Councilor, Homemaking teacher, Sunday School teacher, Young Women President, Single adults representative, and I worked in the temple for 6 months doing sealings.
I had many wonderful experiences in the temple. I loved the temple.